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The Problem with Flash

Jackie here. Are you having trouble with Flash lately? I’ve been having a few issues and this article from Yahoo! Tech explains why. If you use Flash, you need to read this.
The Problem with Flash
Flash is great for streaming video and running games inside of web pages, but that isn’t all it is good for. Thieves and scammers love the platform too. The fact that Flash can run complex scripts right inside of your browser creates vulnerabilities that thieves can exploit. Scripts can be created to access your computer and make changes to it, without your knowledge or consent. This allows for complex spying operations, etc. The very things that make Flash so useful also make it very dangerous.
In 2010 Apple said that Flash was a primary cause of Mac crashes. Flash has many vulnerabilities and more constantly being discovered. According to the Yahoo! article, in June 2015 alone there were 38 fixes for various Flash vulnerabilities.
What Can I Do?
Flash is problematic and many big companies want you to stop using it. Facebook, Google, Apple, and Mozilla have all spoken out against the software. The latest Firefox update even launched with Flash blocked (although this has been reversed) and Chrome disables Flash by default. While these companies see the problems with Flash, it is still used by some websites and applications. (If you’re curious if you have Flash, visit this webpage from Adobe.)
Are you willing to stop using Flash? Many websites have switched platforms so it shouldn’t impact your browsing experience much, but can really enhance your online security. Unless you need Flash for a specific website or use, it is best to disable it. You can have it installed, but disabled, and only enable it when you need it. Get detailed instructions here.

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