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AOL Mail Has Been Hacked. Are You At Risk?

Jackie here. Do you use AOL Mail? The email service has been hacked, putting all their users (and everyone else) at risk for malware. Be aware of the problem and protect yourself. Keep reading to learn what you need to do.
AOL Mail Users
The hackers have spoofed multiple accounts, using them to send messages with harmful links. Has your account been hacked? You can find out by checking your sent mail folder. If you find mail in your sent folder that you didn’t send, you’ve probably been compromised. If there aren’t any suspicious messages, you are probably fine. Change your password just in case either way to make sure your account is safe. If your account is compromised, follow these guidelines from AOL to correct the problem.
Other Email Users
Even if you don’t have an AOL Mail account, you should still be aware of this scam. Compromised AOL accounts may send dangerous links to others, including those with accounts from other mail providers. While the suspect messages may make their way to your spam folder automatically, they could also end up in your inbox. Don’t click on any suspicious links, even if they appear to come from someone you know. Suspicious emails often include a link without much explanation and very little text in the body of the email. You can see an example of the emails being sent out through AOL accounts by reading this article from USA Today. If you receive a strange email from a friend or associate, contact them (not using email) to let them know their account may be in danger.


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